NEWS: Wellington Zoo Tersano Install

Last week Arrow Hygiene was working hard to install a new Tersano SAO Cleaning System at Wellington Zoo! Working with Spotless NZ we have been able to reduce chemical use and provide an environmentally sustainable solution for the zoo.

Wellington Zoo is constantly looking for ways to be more environmentally friendly, not only for the staff and visitors, but also the animals habitations. Testing has showed that SAO reduces water consumption by 90%, the use of general purpose chemicals by 76%, and it performs as well or better for general purpose cleaning. That is why the switch from traditional chemicals to Stabilised Aqeous Ozone is underway at the zoo.

Tersano has changed the way Wellington Zoo is cleaning and it can change the way you clean as well. Get in touch with us today for more information.

Call: 0800 429 864 or Email:

For more information on the system, click below.