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BLOG: Compostable Bags - How it Works
A large number of plastic bags that are harmful and toxic to the environment and negatively impact our marine life.....
BLOG: Why Microfibre Cloths Are the BEST!
You’ve most likely seen microfibre cloths by now or even used them yourself without really knowing what makes microfibre so special. A lot of people have heard good things about microfibre, but don’t know exactly how microfibre works. After reading this article, all your questions will be answered...
BLOG: Benefits of Foaming Hand Soap
Arrow Hygiene distribute an excellent range of Foam Soap which is, affordable, efficient, hygienic, easy on the environment and an all-around sustainable option. There’s no doubt that it has grown rapidly in popularity.......
BLOG: How to Remove Difficult Stains from your Carpet
Cleaning soiled carpet can be a nightmare and by applying these simple tips you will save a lot of time and effort.